Saturday, March 15, 2014

The law of my life

            I believe that the laws of  life are different for everyone. Because i and everyone is unique. The laws of life are guidelines for someone's life that decides what and what not to do. Everyone has laws of life but they are different for everyone. I have three main laws of life.

         So the first law of my life is to graduate successfully. The university is the nly one chance to be succesfull in life.Universities decide which job a person will be working and geting  high salary or low salary . You only have one chance in university and if you don’t study well then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.  
           My second law of life is to be kind. If you aren’t kind then no one in the world will like you. It’s better to be a good person and enjoy life because you never know when your loved ones will leave.

              And finally my third law of my life is to travel over the world. Actually i always dream of travelling  over the higest countries over the world, specially over Europia and Asia in New York, Hollywood and Japan etc.  These are my top three laws of life.

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